rolling stone


rolling stone 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a restless or wandering person

rolling stone 近义词

rolling stone

等同于 vagrant

rolling stone

等同于 wanderer

rolling stone

等同于 drifter

更多rolling stone例句

  1. My body used for his hard pleasure; a stone god gripping me in his hands.
  2. “The US cannot tolerate the idea of any rival economic entity,” Stone writes.
  3. Accusing his opponents of being locked in a Cold War mind-set, it is Stone who is beholden to old orthodoxies.
  4. That Stone would slander the democratic, pro-Western, EuroMaidan revolution as a CIA coup is no surprise.
  5. “Gently rolling hills” roll not-so-gently under my tires, but the English countryside scenery is soporific.
  6. Sol laughed out of his whiskers, with a big, loose-rolling sound, and sat on the porch without waiting to be asked.
  7. That evening in the gondola, with one old and two newer friends, is marked with a white stone in my recollection.
  8. Monsieur,” growls the baron, “stone walls have ears, you say if only they had tongues; what tales these could tell!
  9. A colossal steam "traveller" had ceaselessly carried great blocks of stone and long steel girders from point to point.
  10. The clink of the stone-masons' chisels had resounded year after year from morning till night.